Friday 24 June 2011

Possible Plan B for Digital Signatures

An interesting option has emerged from the digital signature research that might represent an immediate intermediate solution for the audit trail problem being addressed by the SWANI project. A digital pen system that allows the physical signature of paper copies of the audit documents, whilst simultaneously updating the digital records of the online system of WBL management and administration. This maintains the current EU and WAG requirements, whilst also allowing the full digitsation of the management system. We will be testing and evaluating this option and will report in due course.

Monday 20 June 2011

Welcome to the SWANI Project Blog

The JISC funded SWANI Project began earlier this year with the objective of fully digitising the Work Based Learning system at Coleg Sir Gar. At present, the system is paper based and this makes it relatively inefficient, costly to manage and carries risks of information loss as it is shared between the key system stakeholders.
The new system will make all the information and paperwork available online and will implement a system of secure digital signatures that will satisfy the need for an audit trail of documentation that verifies learner achievement.