Wednesday 31 August 2011

Significant Progress on Digitisation

Following a review meeting today, it can be reported that significant progress has been made towards the target of fully digitising the workbased-learning documentation at Coleg Sir Gar. Of the nine main forms that make up the WBL record, seven are now complete and are available as templates on the Joomla-based WBL online environment.
The online environment provides both back office and front office administration of these forms and the data fields they contain are all linked to a single database. The aim is to have a system where common data fields are automatically populated from a single data entry event and that data consistency and accuracy across the system is ensured.
All this has been achieved over the summer period when not only were key project staff taking leave, there was a change in the format of the WBL forms required to be used by the institution, so a lot of the initial work had to be updated!